Tuesday, February 10, 2009

(Future) Dr. J...Answer The Call!

I only have 4 minutes to finish this post because (future) Dr. J wants to watch a movie on the computer at 7:00. I just used a minute of my time conveying that...not smart.

This is an official invitation to my wife, (future) Dr. J, to join me in my now year long biking phase. I think we would really enjoy having a physical activity to do together. We'd get to see alot scenery and it would serve as a great bonding experience. Best part of all, we could stare at each other's butts for hours at a time!

Time is up. I should have been able to make a more compelling case in 4 minutes. Maybe I'll try again later.

I love you,

P.S. That actually took me 9 minutes...WEAK!


  1. I agree, it would be lovely and Rock creek park is such a nice ride. Oh and then of course B would have to get another bike rack for the subaru and in return he'd be able to drive me and our bikes around instead of just the one rack. This is a win win win.

    Plus, imagine the double dates! C'mon Deed! We'll even get you a new saddle that you find comfortable!

  2. Do it Jenny! I need someone to help me keep the boys in line when I go with them this summer :) Plus there' a whole line of cycling skirts that you can get, as not to be seen in horrible biker shorts.

    PS- isn't kev always worried about all of US ganging up, and picking on HIM? Hummm....

