Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Seesaws Go Up And Down

Like a seesaw, so go my hips.  I could feel it before my run while stretching.  I thought I warmed up pretty well, but I guess not.  During the first mile (of 2), I decided that my foot strike is all over the place...heel, arch, outside, ball...I can't seem to consistently hit the same part of my foot.  I don't know if I'm concentrating on it toom much because of this hip thing or if I've always been inconsistent and  just haven't noticed it.  Supposedly hip bursitis is caused by poor biomechanics.  If I had stuck with biomedical engineering in college maybe I would know the cause, but I've been told over pronating can cause it, which I tend to do.  Wish I knew a running specialist doctor who would observe me on a treadmill for 10 minutes.  

You know what hurts the worst?  Sitting down.  The actual run isn't bad nor afterwards during cooldown and stretching.  It's when I sit down for long periods back in my office when it's the worst. 


  1. We need to get you a foam roller.

    Also, you should go get specifically fitted for running shoes. The nest place I've ever seen around this area is Contee's in Arlington. They have a treadmill with video cameras to tape you running so both you and the specialist can see what's going on. They can fit you for the best pair of shoes plus probably fill you in a little bit on what's going on with your mechanics...

  2. Both excellent ideas. The place I went to in Arlington to get the shoes I have now had me walk about 20 ft then jog. She told me I under pronate and need a shoe with a siff post. It seemed to help my knees at the time, but I don't think it's helping now.
