Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 2009 Family Blog Champion!

Yes, that's right.  I took home the Family Blog Champion title for February 2009, which is given to the family member with the most number of posts.  This is a competition that I made up and haven't really told the other contestants about.

Final tally: 

Me - 24
Kevin - 23
Mom - 19  

Sorry guys.  And now I'm up 1 for March. 


  1. You are a sad man sparky brown.

    On the other hand, Mom probably won the more coveted and meaningful readership award...

  2. Gee wilikers. I heard there was a private competition. I will have to pay more attention to this! But I beat everyone on the last Twist competition! (probably pure luck but I still get braggin' rights. Congratulations on the most posts comp, Mr. B.
